What is Privacy & Terms?
From 25 May 2018, the new EU legislation “GDPR” took effect. This is why Appinux has created a page describing the privacy & terms of our products. In Appinux, we strive to provide the highest level of security, as well as high transparency for our users. In Appinux, we believe that cooperation is the future. Is there anything in the following page(s) that does not make sense, require elaboration, or you would like to know more about, do not hesitate to contact us.
The new EU legislation is called the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR) and aims to protect the data we (the private person) produce. In short, the EU has decided that as a user / customer, you should know exactly what your data is being used for. For example, social media should tell their users that the company uses their personal data to present specific advertisements, for example, for women in the age group 18-24, who live in Copenhagen. With GDPR, all companies must now clearly describe what data is being used for and how the data is protected according to the current terms. You can read more about the EU regulation yourself in the following link:

For citizens:
If you have been offered to use the Appinux platform either through a municipality, region or other governmental bodies then all gathered data are gathered by the municipality, the region or the other governmental bodies – not by Appinux. Appinux does not have access to the gathered data – except if the data owners needs support. The work of the municipalities, regions and other governmental bodies are covered by other legislation that may take precedence over the “GDPR” legislation, for instance.
Forvaltningsloven: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2014/433
Sundhedsloven: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2019/903
Serviceloven: https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2020/1287
Does Appinux sell information from the platform: No. We do not have access to data except in relation to a support ticket. The Appinux platform is a platform whose sole purpose is to create a better cooperation between the healthcare sector and the individual citizen.
Does Appinux use Cookies: Appinux uses cookies to identify the logged in user to the platform, and the preferred language as well as remembering the settings of the camera and microphone for videomeetings. We do not use 3rd party cookies.
Does Appinux process the data: The data produced on the Appinux platform itself – either by the citizen itself, the healthcare staff, or in collaboration between the two – will not be processed by Appinux.
How is data stored: The data produced on the Appinux-platform is stored at highly secure data centers in Denmark that comply with the strictest requirements, laws, and certifications.
Can Appinux see the data? Appinux is only allowed to see or access data in case of a submitted support ticket. Appinux facilitate the platform, but has nothing to do with the data, and therefore have no purpose to look in the database. It is illegal to access data without proper approval.
Concerns about wrong data: If you are a citizen and are worried about what data is on your user, please contact your therapist, not Appinux.
For healthcare professionals and other professional users on other connected sites:
The sites where Appinux stores data about our users are sites that are either intended for support, development forums, or platforms for development with programmers.
On these sites, Appinux is responsible for data, for the preservation of copyrighted documents, as well as storage and archiving of these. Thus, the four links at the bottom will mainly describe how we handle the type of data that is produced on the following sites:
Issue tracker: is where Appinux manages its versions, where programmers can discuss and develop. Here are no personal data about our customers, as customers do not have access to this site. It is only used internally by Appinux.
Support: is the customers’ support site. Here, bugs, feature request, tasks and incidents can be tracked.
Community: is a forum for our customers. Here you can exchange ideas, wishes and knowledge about how to handle the implementation of new IT. Here, Appinux also stores data about users.
You can read more about exactly what data we collect and store in the links below.
User Agreement
The User Agreement is a description of the terms you agree on, when you use one of our products.
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy is a description of how we handle your personal data, and what we do to keep them safe.
Cookie Policy
The Cookie Policy is a description of how we use cookies to improve the user experience, and improve our security.
Copyright Policy
The Copyright Policy is a description of how your rights are preserved, and how Appinux will handle copyrights.